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Sheer Divine Insight
Intuitive Being
I am deeply passionate about inspiring, guiding, and coaching others. A phrase that holds a lot of meaning for me is "Put the kettle on." It symbolizes the start of a profound and meaningful journey that we will embark on together.
Janet Donielle
2 min read
Hello Emotional Triggers - Peek a Boo
Hello Emotional Triggers - Peek a Boo
Janet Donielle
2 min read
Seeing Through The Eyes Of A Child
There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen ~ Rumi Can you remember the feeling you had as a child? An imagination that was endless...
Janet Donielle
2 min read
You Hold The Power - No One Is You
Obstacles are present in everyday life, offering every one of us the opportunity to grow and expand. Constraints are the reason for the...
Janet Donielle
2 min read
Changing Seasons Is Learning To Let Go
A simple life is a beautiful life. There will be Grey, rainy, happy days, and a rainbow waiting to be seen. In the stillness, you'll see...
Janet Donielle
3 min read
Don't force yourself to fit in when you feel yourself shifting.
Embracing Spirit
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